
Darkfall unholy wars beginners guide
Darkfall unholy wars beginners guide

I see a lot of potential here, especially in making Darkfall more than just a “gankbox” as they call it. Take a look and let me know what you think.

  • Fixing the economy (or actually creating one).
  • Giving more reasons to play, and more ways to play, especially “positive” ways to play rather thank just ganking.
  • It’s a little bit like a design document talking about how they want to change the game to be more like a fantasy version of EVE. We exchanged emails a bit and they sent me over a link to New Dawn in a nutshell. Could it still be buttering me up to get me to cover them? Sure, but I like a little butter now and again. Apparently that got these guys thinking because they mention that specific post as something that got the wheels turning and motivated them. My last post about Darkfall talked about how I would never go back to a Darkfall run by Aventurine, but if someone else stepped up and took the reins I would be much more willing to try. In fact, I “brought them to Darkfall” which means I could be the reason why they played Darkfall to begin with. They cited specific things about the blog here that has influenced them over the years. It’s usually in the form of, “We’re big fans of your blog,” or “We really agree with you.” Most of that I shrug off as the usual BS. Now I get a lot of people buttering me up. The team at Ub3rgames is negotiating a licensing deal with Aventurine to re-open Darkfall as a somewhat new game called Darkfall: New Dawn. Why did they contact me? Apparently they read my stuff regularly. Usually I ignore them, but this time the email was a tad bit different. I get contacted by a lot of people who want me to check out their game, republish their press release, or somehow how let them piggyback on whatever small amount of attention this blog can bring.

    Darkfall unholy wars beginners guide